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Wildlife Encounters

Cochrane Ranche is home to many beautiful wild creatures. The children explore this wildlife habitat area and are fortunate to have the opportunity to see wildlife on our outings including deer, coyotes, foxes, garter snakes, skunks, porcupines, beavers, fish, bats, etc. They are taught to respect wild animal's privacy by observing at a safe distance with an educator.


Bears, moose, and cougars also make their way through the Ranche at times. The children are taught how to respond in the event we encounter any wildlife. We also travel closely together as a large noisy group, and adhere to public safety notices, avoiding areas where there have been sightings.


The pathways and Ranche are frequented by dog walkers and their companions. We see many familiar faces on our outings, and love to extend a friendly greeting, "Good morning!" to those community members. We love dogs! However, we refrain from approaching or petting strange dogs on outings. Many dogs are not comfortable or used to a group of excited children and their sudden movements, and dogs can be unpredictable. The children are taught how to respond in the event of an aggressive or uncomfortable off-leash dog interaction: "Stand Like a Tree, Be a Rock".

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Wild Wonders Nature Play

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 5pm


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